Descriptive statistics (counting; means reporting; cross-tabulation)

From Copyright EVIDENCE
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Methodology (Analysis)

Descriptive statistics (counting; means reporting; cross-tabulation) is a quantitative method defined within the Copyright Evidence wiki.

The following studies use this method for data analysis (319):

Acilar (2010)Acılar, A. (2010). Demographic Factors Affecting Freshman Students' Attitudes towards Software Piracy: An Empirical Study. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 7, 321-328.
Acilar and Aydemir (2010)Acilar, A., & Aydemir, M. (2010). Students' Attitudes Towards Software Piracy-The Gender Factor: A Case of a Public University in an Emerging Country. In The Eleventh ETHICOMP International Conference on the Social and Ethical Impacts of Information and Communication Technology.
Adum et al. (2019)Adum, A.N., Ekwenchi, O., Odogwu, E., and Umeh, K. (2019) Awareness of Copyright Laws among Select Nigerian University Students. 86 Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization 183
Aguiar, Claussen and Peukert (2018)Aguiar, L., Claussen, J. And Peukert, C. (2018) Catch Me if You Can: Effectiveness and Consequences of Online Copyright Enforcement. Information Systems Research, 29(3), pp 656-678
Ahlert, Marsden and Yung (N.D.)Ahlert, C., Marsden, C., & Yung, C. (2004). How ‘Liberty’ Disappeared from Cyberspace: The Mystery Shopper Tests Internet Content Self-Regulation. Retrieved from
Akbulut and Donmez (2018)Akbulut, Y. and Donmez, O. (2018) Predictors of digital piracy among Turkish undergraduate students. Telematics and Informatics, Volume 35, Issue 5, pp1324-1334
Albinsson (2013)Albinsson, S. (2013) Swings and roundabouts: Swedish music copyrights 1980 - 2009. Journal of Cultural Economics 37, 175 - 184
Andembubtob, Apuru and Ezra (2020)Andembubtob, D.R., Apuru, J.I. and Ezra, S.D. (2020) Software Piracy in Nigeria. Asian Journal of Research in Computer Science 6(1)
Andrés (2006a)Andrés, A. R. (2006). The relationship between copyright software protection and piracy: Evidence from Europe. European Journal of Law and Economics, 21(1), 29-51.
Andrés (2006b)Andrés, A. R. (2006). Software piracy and income inequality. Applied Economics Letters, 13(2), 101-105.
Antelman (2004)Antelman, K. (2004) Do Open Access Articles Have a Greater Research Impact? College & Research Libraries News, vol. 65, n. 5, pp. 372-382.
Arendt, Peacemaker and Miller (2018)Arendt, J., Peacemaker, B. And Miller, H. (2018) Same Question, Different World: Replicating an Open Access Research Impact Study. College and Research Libraries (Preprint)
Asongu (2014)Simplice Asongu, (2014) "Software piracy, inequality and the poor: evidence from Africa", Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 41 Issue: 4, pp.526-553, available under:
Aufderheide and Sinnreich (2015)Aufderheide, P., & Sinnreich, A. (2015). Documentarians, fair use, and free expression: changes in copyright attitudes and actions with access to best practices. Information, Communication & Society, (ahead-of-print), 1-10.
Aufderheide et al. (2018)Aufderheide, P., Pappalardo, K., Suzor, N. And Stevens, J. (2018) Calculating the consequences of narrow Australian copyright exceptions: Measurable, hidden and incalculable costs to creators. Poetics, 69, pp15-26.
Australian Law Reform Commission (2013)ALRC Report 122 (2013), available at
Baghestan et al. (2019)Abbas Ghanbari Baghestan, Hadi Khaniki, Abdolhosein Kalantari, Mehrnoosh Akhtari-Zavare, Elaheh Farahmand, Ezhar Tamam, Nader Ale Ebrahim, Havva Sabani and Mahmoud Danaee (2019) A Crisis in “Open Access”: Should Communication Scholarly Outputs Take 77 Years to Become Open Access? SAGE Open 9(3)
Bahanovich and Collopy (2009)Bahanovich, D., & Colloy, D. (2009). Music experience and behaviour in young people: 2009 National Survey. UK Music.
Balganesh, Manta and Wilkinson-Ryan (2014)Balganesh, S., Manta, I., & Wilkinson-Ryan, T. (2014). Judging similarity. 100 Iowa Law Review 267; University of Pennsylvania Law School, Public Law Research Paper No. 14-15; Hofstra Univ. Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2014-09. Available at SSRN 2409811.
Band (2013a)Band, J. (2013). CEO compensation in copyright-intensive industries. Bandwidth. Available at SSRN 2333854.
Band (2013b)Band, J. (2013). Profitability of firms in copyright-intensive industries. Bandwidth. Available at SSRN 2333844
Band and Gerafi (2013)Band, J. & Gerafi, J. (2013). Foreign ownership of firms in IP intensive industries. Policy Bandwidth. Available at SSRN 2333839.
Bar-Ziv and Elkin-Koren (2018)Bar-Ziv, S. and Elkin-Koren, N. (2018) Behind the Scenes of Online Copyright Enforcement: Empirical Evidence on Notice & Takedown. Connecticut Law Review, Vol. 50(2).
Barker and Maloney (2012)Barker, G. R., & Maloney, T. J. (2012). The impact of free music downloads on the purchase of music CDs in Canada. ANU College of Law Research Paper, (4).
Batikas, Claussen and Peukert (2019)Batikas, M., Claussen, J., & Peukert, C. (2019). Follow the money: Online piracy and self-regulation in the advertising industry. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 65, 121-151.
Bechtold, Buccafusco and Sprigman (2016)Bechtold, S., Buccafusco, C. And Sprigman, J.C. (2016) Innovation Heuristics: Experiments on Sequential Creativity in Intellectual Property. Indiana Law Journal, 2016, Forthcoming.
Bellemare and Holmberg (2010)Bellemare, M. F., & Holmberg, A. M. (2010). The determinants of music piracy in a sample of college students. Available at SSRN 1481272.
Bellégo and Nijs (2020)Bellégo, C., & De Nijs, R. (2020). The Unintended Consequences of Antipiracy Laws on Markets with Asymmetric Piracy: The Case of the French Movie Industry. Information Systems Research, 31(4), 1064-1086.
Benson (2018)Benson, S.R. (2018) ncreasing Librarian Confidence and Comprehension in a Fair Use Training Session. Libraries and the Academy, Vol 18(4), pp 781-804 (preprint)
Bhattacharjee, Gopal and Sanders (2003)Bhattacharjee, S., Gopal, R. D., & Sanders, G. L. (2003). Digital music and online sharing: Software piracy 2.0?. Communications of the ACM, 46(7), 107-111.
Bhattacharjee, Gopal, Lertwachara and Marsden (2006a)Bhattacharjee, S., Gopal, R., Lertwachara, K. and Marsden, J. R. 2006a. Whatever Happened to payola? An Empirical Analysis of Online Music Sharing. Decision Support Systems, 42, 104-120.
Biasi and Moser (2018)Biasi, B. and Moser, P. (2018) Effects of Copyrights on Science. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
Bodo (2015)
Bodo, Antal and Puha (2020)Bodo, B., Antal, D. and Puha, Z. (2020) Open access is not a panacea, even if it’s radical – an empirical study on the role of shadow libraries in closing the inequality of knowledge access. Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2020-39
Boorstin (2004)Boorstin, E. S. Music Sales in the Age of File Sharing (Doctoral dissertation, Princeton University).
Bradley, Kolev (2023)Wendy A. Bradley, Julian Kolev, How does digital piracy affect innovation? Evidence from software firms. (2023). Research Policy, Volume 52, Issue 3, 2023, 104701, ISSN 0048-7333,
Branstetter, Fisman and Foley (2006)Branstetter, L.G., Fisman, R., & Foley, C. F. (2006). Do stronger intellectual property rights increase international technology transfer? Empirical evidence from U.S. firm-level panel data. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 121(1), 321-349.
Brassell and Goodyer (2015)Brassell, M. & Goodyer, I. (2015) Penalty Fair? Study of criminal sanctions for copyright infringement available under the CDPA 1988. IPO, 2015
Bryce and Rutter (2005)Bryce, J., & Rutter, J. (2005). Fake Nation? A study into an everyday crime. The Intellectual Property Theft and Organised Crime research project, UK.
Brynjolfsson and Smith (2000)Brynjolfsson, E., & Smith, M. D. (2000). Frictionless commerce? A comparison of Internet and conventional retailers. Management Science, 46(4), 563-585.
Buccafusco and Heald (2012)Buccafusco, C., & Heald, P. J. (2012). Do Bad Things Happen When Works Enter the Public Domain: Empirical Tests of Copyright Term Extension. Berkeley Tech. LJ, 28, 1.
Buccafusco and Sprigman (2010)Buccafusco, C. J., & Sprigman, C. J. (2010). Valuing Intellectual Property: An Experiment. Cornell Law Review.
Carpou (2016)Carpou, Z. (2016) Robots, Pirates and the Rise of the Automated Takedown Regime: Using the DMCA to Fight Piracy and Protect End-Users. 39 Colum J.L. & Arts 551.
Charles River Associates (2013)Assessing the Economic Impacts of Adapting Certain Limitations and Exceptions to Copyright and Related Rights in the EU, Charles River Assoc., (2013), available at
Charness and Daniela (2014)Charness, G., & Grieco, D. (2014). Creativity and Financial Incentives.
Cheliotis (2007)Cheliotis, G. (2007). Remix culture: an empirical analysis of creative reuse and the licensing of digital media in online communities.
Chen and Puttitanun (2005)Chen, Y., & Puttitanun, T. (2005). Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation in Developing Countries. Journal of Development Economics, 78(2), 474-493.
Chen and Yen (2011)Chen, M. F. and Yen, Y. H. 2011. Costs and Utilities Perspective of Consumers' Intentions to Engage in Online Music Sharing: Consumers' Knowledge Matters. Ethics & Behavior, 21(4), 283-300.
Chen, Pan and Pan (2009)Chen, M. F., Pan, C. T., & Pan, M. C. (2009). The joint moderating impact of moral intensity and moral judgment on consumer’s use intention of pirated software. Journal of Business Ethics, 90(3), 361-373.
Chen, Shang and Lin (2008)Chen, Y. C., Shang, R. A., & Lin, A. K. (2008). The intention to download music files in a P2P environment: Consumption value, fashion, and ethical decision perspectives. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 7(4), 411-422.
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