
From Copyright EVIDENCE
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France is a country defined within the Copyright Evidence wiki.

The following studies include coverage of this country (48):

Aguiar and Martens (2013)Aguiar, L., & Martens, B. (2013). Digital music consumption on the internet: Evidence from clickstream data. Working Paper No. JRC79605. Available at SSRN 2265299
Aguiar, Claussen and Peukert (2018)Aguiar, L., Claussen, J. And Peukert, C. (2018) Catch Me if You Can: Effectiveness and Consequences of Online Copyright Enforcement. Information Systems Research, 29(3), pp 656-678
Andrés (2006a)Andrés, A. R. (2006). The relationship between copyright software protection and piracy: Evidence from Europe. European Journal of Law and Economics, 21(1), 29-51.
Andrés (2006b)Andrés, A. R. (2006). Software piracy and income inequality. Applied Economics Letters, 13(2), 101-105.
Arnold, Darmon, Dejean and Penard (2014)Arnold M. A., Darmon E., Dejean S. and Penard T., Graduated Response Policy and the Behaviour of Digital Pirates: Evidence from the French Three-Strike (Hadopi) Law (2014)
BOP Consulting and DotEcon (2015)BOP Consulting, DotEcon (2015). International Comparison of Approaches to Online Copyright Infringement: Final Report, commissioned by the Intellectual Property Office.
Belleflamme, Omrani and Peitz (2015)Belleflamme, P., Omrani, N. and Peitz, M., 2015. The economics of crowdfunding platforms. Information Economics and Policy, 33, pp.11-28.
Bellégo and Nijs (2020)Bellégo, C., & De Nijs, R. (2020). The Unintended Consequences of Antipiracy Laws on Markets with Asymmetric Piracy: The Case of the French Movie Industry. Information Systems Research, 31(4), 1064-1086.
Bently (2002)Bently, L. (2002). Between a rock and a hard place: The problems facing freelance creators in the UK media market–place. London: Institute of Employment Rights. ii. Canada.
Bounie, Bourreau and Waelbroeck (2006)Bounie, D., Bourreau, M., & Waelbroeck, P. (2006). Piracy and the demand for films: Analysis of piracy behavior in French universities. Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues, 3(2), 15-27.
Bounie, Bourreau and Waelbroeck (2007)Bounie, D., Bourreau, M., & Waelbroeck, P. 2007. Pirates or explorers? Analysis of music consumption in French graduate schools. Brussels Economic Review, 50(2), 167-192.
Burgess and De Rosa (2017)Burgess, M. and De Rosa, M. (2017) The Remuneration of Canadian Writers for Literary Works: A Benchmarking Study. A Report prepared for The Writers’ Union of Canada. Avaialble: (last accessed: 3 June 2019)
Calzada and Gil (2016)Calzada, J., & Gil, R. (2016). What Do News Aggregators Do? Evidence from Google News in Spain and Germany.
Danaher and Smith (2013)Danaher, B., & Smith, M. D. (2014). Gone in 60 seconds: the impact of the Megaupload shutdown on movie sales. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 33, 1-8.
Danaher and Waldfogel (2012)Danaher, B., & Waldfogel, J. (2012). Reel Piracy: The Effect of Online Film Piracy on International Box Office Sales. Available at SSRN 1986299.
Danaher, Smith, Telang and Chen (2012)Danaher, B., Smith, M. D., Telang, R., & Chen, S. (2014). The Effect of Graduated Response Anti‐Piracy Laws on Music Sales: Evidence from an Event Study in France. The Journal of Industrial Economics, 62(3), 541-553.
Dang Nguyen, Dejean and Moreau (2012)Dang Nguyen, G., Dejean, S., & Moreau, F. (2012). Are streaming and other music consumption modes substitutes or complements?.
De Wolf and Partners (2013)Triaille, J.P., Dusollier, S., Depreeuw, S., Hubin, J.B. and De Francquen, A., 2013. Study on the application of Directive 2001/29/EC on copyright and related rights in the information society. InfoSoc Directive.
Deloitte (2016)Deloitte (2016) The impact of web traffic on revenues of traditional newspaper publishers A study for France, Germany, Spain, and the UK.
Denoyelle et al (2018)Denoyelle, M., Durand, K., Daniel, J. and Doulkaridou-Ramantani, E. (2018) Image rights, art history and society. Report presented to the Foundation de France <> (accessed 7 January 2022)
Dulong de Rosnay and Langlais (2017)Dulong de Rosnay, M. and Langlais, P. (2017) Public artworks and the freedom of panorama controversy: a case of Wikimedia influence. Internet Policy Review Vol. 6(1)
Ekiz (2019)Ekiz, O. (2019) Documenting the copyright sphere: can festivals solve the problem of copyright clearance for documentaries? Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 9 (4)
Erickson, Kretschmer and Mendis (2013)Erickson, K., Kretschmer, M., & Mendis, D. (2013). Copyright and the Economic Effects of Parody: An Empirical Study of Music Videos on the YouTube Platform and an Assessment of the Regulatory Options. Intellectual Property Office Research Paper, (2013/24).
Fauchart and Hippel (2006)Fauchart, E., & Von Hippel, E. (2008). Norms-based intellectual property systems: The case of French chefs. Organization Science, 19(2), 187-201.
Garcia-Bardidia, Nau and Remy (2011)Garcia-Bardidia, R., Nau, J. P., & Rémy, E. (2011). Consumer Resistance and Anti-Consumption: Insights from the Deviant Careers of French Illegal Downloaders. European Journal of Marketing, 45(11/12), 1789-1798.
Grolleau, Mzoughi and Sutan (2008)Grolleau, G., Mzoughi, N., & Sutan, A. (2008). Please do not pirate it, you will rob the poor! An experimental investigation on the effect of charitable donations on piracy. The Journal of Socio-Economics, 37(6), 2417-2426.
Guibault and Salamanca (2016)Guibault, L. And Salamanca, O. (2016) Remuneration of authors of books and scientific journals, translators, journalists and visual artists for the use of their works. A study prepared for the European Commission DG Communications Networks, Content & Technology, Final Report. IViR.
Guibault, Salamanca and van Gompel (2015)Guibault, L., Salamanca, O. and van Gompel, S. (2015) Remuneration of authors and performers for the use of their works and the fixations of their performances. A study prepared for the European Commission DG Communications Networks, Content & Technology by Europe Economics and IVIR.
Hadopi (2011)HADOPI. 2011. Hadopi, cultural assets and internet use: practices and perceptions of French internet users (Online). Available:
Handke, Guibault and Vallbe (2015)Handke, C., Guibault, L., & Vallbé, J. J. (2015). Is Europe Falling Behind in Data Mining? Copyright's Impact on Data Mining in Academic Research. Copyright's Impact on Data Mining in Academic Research (May 20, 2015).
Heald (2015)Heald, P. J. (2015). How notice-and-takedown regimes create markets for music on YouTube: An empirical study. In Concepts of Music and Copyright: How Music Perceives Itself and How Copyright Perceives Music (pp. 195-209). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..
Herz and Kiljański (2016)Herz, B. and Kiljański, K. (2016) Movie Piracy and Displaced Sales in Europe: Evidence from Six Countries. Available at SSRN: or
Hui and Png (2003)Hui, K. L., & Png, I. (2003). Piracy and the legitimate demand for recorded music. Contributions in Economic Analysis & Policy, 2(1).
Kretschmer, Derclaye, Favale and Watt (2010)Kretschmer, M., Derclaye, E., Favale, M., & Watt, R. (2010). A Review commissioned by the UK Strategic Advisory Board for Intellectual Property Policy (SABIP). Available at SSRN 2624945
Nandi and Rochelandet (2008)Nandi, T. K., & Rochelandet, F. (2008). The incentives for contributing digital contents over P2P networks: an empirical investigation. Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues, 5, 19-35.
Nera Economic Consulting (2015)Nera Consulting (2015), Impacto del Nuevo Artículo 32.2 de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, Informe para la Asociación Española de Editoriales de Publicaciones Periódicas (AEEPP) (study commissioned by Spanish Association of Publishers of Periodicals AEEPP)
OHIM (2015)OHIM (2015). Intellectual Property And Education In Europe. Study On IP Education In School Curricula In The EU Member States With Additional International Comparisons.
Poort et al (2018)Poort, J., Quintais, J.P., van der Ende, M., Yagafarova, A., and Haeraats, M. (2018) Global Online Piracy Study.
Pénard, Dejean and Suire (2011)Pénard, T., Dejean, S., & Suire, R. (2011). Olson’s Paradox Revisited: An Empirical Analysis of Incentives to Contribute in P2P File-sharing Communities (No. 201105). Center for Research in Economics and Management (CREM), University of Rennes 1, University of Caen and CNRS.
Quintais and Poort (2019)Quintais, J. and Poort, J. (2019) The Decline of Online Piracy: How Markets – Not Enforcement – Drive Down Copyright Infringement. American University International Law Review, 34(4), pp. 807-876
Rochelandet and Le Guel (2005)Rochelandet, F., & Le Guel, F. (2005). P2P music sharing networks: Why the legal fight against copiers may be inefficient. Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues, 2(2), 69-82.
Sanchez-Graells and Santaló (2007)Sanchez-Graells, A., & Santaló, J. (2007). Economic Analysis of Private Copy Remuneration.
Savelkoul (2019)Savelkoul, R. (2020). Superstars vs the long tail: How does music piracy affect digital song sales for different segments of the industry?. Information Economics and Policy, 50, 100847.
Todorova et al. (2017)Tania Yordanova Todorova, Serap Kurbanoglu, Joumana Boustany, Güleda Dogan, Laura Saunders,Aleksandra Horvat, Ana Lúcia Terra, Ane Landøy, Angela Repanovici, Chris Morrison, Egbert J.Sanchez Vanderkast, Jane Secker, Jurgita Rudzioniene, Terttu Kortelainen, Tibor Koltay, (2017) Information professionals and copyright literacy: a multinational study. Library Management, 38(6/7), pp.323-344
Van der Ende et al (2014)Van der Ende, M., Poort, J., Haffner, R., de Bas, P., Yagafarova, A., Rohlfs, S., and van Til, H. (2014) Estimating displacement rates of copyrighted content in the EU. A study prepared for the European Commission.
Weatherall, Webster and Bently (2009)Weatherall, K., Webster, E., & Bently, L. (2009). IP Enforcement in the UK and Beyond: A Literature Review.
Wijmenga, Klomp, van der Jagt, Poort (2016)Stichting de Thuiskopie (2016). International Survey on Private Copying – Law & Practice 2016. WIPO.
Zentner (2006)Zentner, A. (2006). Measuring the effect of file sharing on music purchases*. Journal of Law and Economics, 49(1), 63-90.