The Netherlands

From Copyright EVIDENCE
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The Netherlands is a country defined within the Copyright Evidence wiki.

The following studies include coverage of this country (30):

Ahlert, Marsden and Yung (N.D.)Ahlert, C., Marsden, C., & Yung, C. (2004). How ‘Liberty’ Disappeared from Cyberspace: The Mystery Shopper Tests Internet Content Self-Regulation. Retrieved from
Andrés (2006a)Andrés, A. R. (2006). The relationship between copyright software protection and piracy: Evidence from Europe. European Journal of Law and Economics, 21(1), 29-51.
Andrés (2006b)Andrés, A. R. (2006). Software piracy and income inequality. Applied Economics Letters, 13(2), 101-105.
BOP Consulting and DotEcon (2015)BOP Consulting, DotEcon (2015). International Comparison of Approaches to Online Copyright Infringement: Final Report, commissioned by the Intellectual Property Office.
De Wolf and Partners (2013)Triaille, J.P., Dusollier, S., Depreeuw, S., Hubin, J.B. and De Francquen, A., 2013. Study on the application of Directive 2001/29/EC on copyright and related rights in the information society. InfoSoc Directive.
Erickson, Kretschmer and Mendis (2013)Erickson, K., Kretschmer, M., & Mendis, D. (2013). Copyright and the Economic Effects of Parody: An Empirical Study of Music Videos on the YouTube Platform and an Assessment of the Regulatory Options. Intellectual Property Office Research Paper, (2013/24).
Fiala and Husovec (2018)Fiala, L. and Husovec, M. (2018) Using Experimental Evidence to Design Optimal Notice and Takedown Process (July 23, 2018). Available at SSRN:
Giletti (2012)Giletti, T., Why Pay if it’s Free? Streaming, Downloading and Digital Music Consumption in the “iTunes Era”, (2012)
Guibault and Salamanca (2016)Guibault, L. And Salamanca, O. (2016) Remuneration of authors of books and scientific journals, translators, journalists and visual artists for the use of their works. A study prepared for the European Commission DG Communications Networks, Content & Technology, Final Report. IViR.
Haefliger, Jäger and Von Krogh (2010)Haefliger, S., Jäger, P., & Von Krogh, G. (2010). Under the radar: Industry entry by user entrepreneurs. Research policy, 39(9), 1198-1213.
Handke, Guibault and Vallbe (2015)Handke, C., Guibault, L., & Vallbé, J. J. (2015). Is Europe Falling Behind in Data Mining? Copyright's Impact on Data Mining in Academic Research. Copyright's Impact on Data Mining in Academic Research (May 20, 2015).
Holt and Copes (2010)Holt, Thomas J., and Heith Copes. "Transferring subcultural knowledge on-line: Practices and beliefs of persistent digital pirates." Deviant Behavior 31.7 (2010): 625-654.
Hui and Png (2003)Hui, K. L., & Png, I. (2003). Piracy and the legitimate demand for recorded music. Contributions in Economic Analysis & Policy, 2(1).
Huygen, Helberger, Poort, Rutten and Van Eijk (2009)Huygen, A., Helberger, N., Poort, J., Rutten, P., & Van Eijk, N. 2009. Ups and downs; economic and cultural effects of file sharing on music, film and games. TNO Information and Communication Technology Series. IViR.
IFLA (2022)IFLA. (2022). How well did copyright law serve libraries during COVID-19?
Jacobs, Heuvelman, Tan and Peters (2012)Jacobs, R. S., Heuvelman, A., Tan, M. & Peters, O. (2012). Digital movie piracy: A perspective on downloading behavior through social cognitive theory. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(3), 958-967.
Nas (2004)Nas, S. (2004) The Multatuli Project ISP Notice & take down. Lecture by Sjoera Nas, Bits of Freedom.
OHIM (2015)OHIM (2015). Intellectual Property And Education In Europe. Study On IP Education In School Curricula In The EU Member States With Additional International Comparisons.
Palmedo (2019)Palmedo, M. (2019) The Impact of Copyright Exceptions for Researchers on Scholarly Output. EfilJournal, 2(6).
Poort and Leenheer (2012)Poort, J., & Leenheer, J. (2012). File sharing 2© 12. Downloading from illegal sources in The Netherlands. Institute for Information Law & CentERdata, Amsterdam/Tilburg
Poort and Weda (2015)Poort, J. and Weda, J. (2015) Elvis Is Returning to the Building: Understanding a Decline in Unauthorized File Sharing. Journal of Media Economics, 28(2)
Poort et al (2018)Poort, J., Quintais, J.P., van der Ende, M., Yagafarova, A., and Haeraats, M. (2018) Global Online Piracy Study.
Poort et al. (2014)Poort, J., Leenheer, J., van der Ham, J., and Dumitru, C. (2014) Baywatch: Two approaches to measure the effects of blocking access to The Pirate Bay. Telecommunications Policy, 38(4), pp 383-392
Quintais and Poort (2019)Quintais, J. and Poort, J. (2019) The Decline of Online Piracy: How Markets – Not Enforcement – Drive Down Copyright Infringement. American University International Law Review, 34(4), pp. 807-876
Sanchez-Graells and Santaló (2007)Sanchez-Graells, A., & Santaló, J. (2007). Economic Analysis of Private Copy Remuneration.
Stobo, Erickson, Bertoni and Guerrieri (2018)Stobo, V., Erickson, K., Bertoni, A. And Guerrieri, F. (2018) Current Best Practices among Cultural Heritage Institutions when Dealing with Copyright Orphan Works and Analysis of Crowdsourcing Options. Report.
Vallbé et al. (2019)Vallbé, J., Bodó, B., Quintais, J.P. & Handke, C.W. (2019) Knocking on Heaven’s Door: User preferences on digital cultural distribution. Internet Policy Review, 8(2)
Van Eijk, Poort and Rutten (2010)Van Eijk, N., Rutten, P., & Poort, J. (2010). Legal, economic and cultural aspects of file sharing. Communications & Strategies, (77), 35-54.
Weatherall, Webster and Bently (2009)Weatherall, K., Webster, E., & Bently, L. (2009). IP Enforcement in the UK and Beyond: A Literature Review.
Wesselingh, Cristina and Tweeboom (2013)Wesselingh, E. M., Cristina, A., & Tweeboom, N. (2013). To Block or Not to Block?. Available at SSRN 2273453.